Day 101: I'm Done!

10-29-2018 1min read

Yesterday was the last day of my 100 Days of Code! I can't believe I made it! I'm going to give my self a week or two and then start the…

Day 100: Open Graph Protocol

10-28-2018 1min read

I discovered something really cool today. Have you noticed how when you place a link on Facebook, it usually has an image and some meta…

Day 99: Looping Through an Array and Removing Items

10-27-2018 1min read

While working through an algorithm problem on freeCodeCamp, I cam across something interesting. I was trying to loop through an array and…

Day 98: ARIA and Assistive Technology

10-26-2018 1min read

For the last few days, I've been learning more about Accessibility and how to make sure everyone can access your website despite any…

Day 97: Love/Hate Relationship with Algorithm Problems

10-25-2018 1min read

I spent more time on the intermediate algorithm problems on freeCodeCamp. I can only describe it as a cycle of frustration and triumphs!

Day 96: Web Performance

10-24-2018 1min read

Considering how frustrated I get when a page is slow to load, I probably should have looked into the topic of Web Performance sooner. Why is…

Day 95: New Project Idea

10-23-2018 1min read

I worked on my fashion blog for a bit, but the thing I'm most excited about is coming up with an idea for my next project. I'm going to make…

Day 94: Front End Developers and SEO

10-22-2018 1min read

How can front end devs help improve SEO Limit the use of H tags (H1, H2, H3, etc) and tags to non-repetitive/important content. Don't use…

Day 93: Lighthouse Lab's 21 Day Coding Challenge Completed

10-21-2018 1min read

I finished Lighthouse Lab's 21 Day Coding Challenge! I'm actually really proud of myself for being able to complete this because, as I…

Day 90: <!DOCTYPE html>

10-20-2018 1min read

Why do we include at the top of all our HTML documents? It informs the browser how the document should be interpreted, by indicating…

Day 90: W3C

10-19-2018 1min read

What/Who is the W3C? I got asked this by a client and it actually took me a second before I could answer. The W3C, otherwise known as the…

Day 90: Why You Need to Review Basics

10-18-2018 1min read

I was playing around in the Chrome console testing out some JavaScript code and I kept getting the error "SyntaxError: Illegal return…

Day 89: Another Day, Another Algorithm

10-17-2018 1min read

I worked on the another algorithm challenges on freeCodeCamp today.

Day 88: Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation

10-16-2018 1min read

Graceful Degradation is the practice of building a website or web application so it provides a good level of user experience on modern web…

Day 87: No in Person Interview this Time

10-15-2018 1min read

I got word today that I won't be granted an in person interview. Since my phone interview was the 2nd round of interviews the company was…

Day 86: WCAG

10-14-2018 1min read

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) explains how to make web content more accessible for those with disabilities. There are multiple…

Day 84: API

10-13-2018 1min read

I had a really hard time understanding what an API was when I first learned about the concept but then I found this really brilliant…

Day 85: More Time on Codewars

10-13-2018 1min read

I did some more challenges on Codewars today and applied for jobs. I should really get back to a few of my projects but these challenges are…

Day 83: Object Manipulation

10-11-2018 1min read

I was working on a question on freeCodeCamp today where you were asked to manipulate the object given certain rules. It took me a really…

Day 82: HTML Email Templates

10-10-2018 1min read

In preparation for yesterday's interview, I looked over something that I had never really thought about before, and that's HTML Email…

Day 81: Phone Interviews

10-09-2018 1min read

I had a phone interview today with a really great company for a position that sounds perfect. I feel like the interview went really well so…

Day 80: Job Applications and Codewars

10-08-2018 1min read

A lot of the day went to job applications with some time on Codewars.

Day 79: Codewars

10-07-2018 1min read

I spent more time on Codewars today. I love looking at the creative ways other people have solved the same problem. Here I am writing…

Day 78: Comparing

10-06-2018 1min read

I've been finding myself comparing where I am with coding, with others a lot lately, and because of this, I think I'm going to take a small…

Day 77: Loving the Lighthouse Labs 21 Day Challenge

10-05-2018 1min read

I'm having so much fun with this 21 Day challenge. Some days, the questions are super simple and just build on previous questions you have…

Day 76: Why Does freeCodeCamp No Longer Save Your Work?!

10-04-2018 1min read

I spent some time on freeCodeCamp today going through modules. I really like the new updates and content they added but I don't like the…

Day 75: GraphQL Seminar

10-03-2018 1min read

I attended a seminar on GraphQL today. I had used it when I created this blog with Gatsby and I wanted to learn more about it. Unfortunately…

Day 74: Algorithm Challenges and Pseudo Code

10-02-2018 1min read

I was been back on freeCodeCamp today attempting the intermediate algorithm challenges. They definitely make you think! I'm getting better…

Day 73: Lighthouse Labs 21 Day Coding Challenge

10-01-2018 1min read

I started the Lighthouse Labs 21 Day Coding Challenge today! The questions are all based on a variable which is an array of arrays that make…

Day 72: Fashion Blog Gatsby Site

09-30-2018 1min read

More work on my Gatsby fashion blog site. I also had to change up a few things on my portfolio website and update my resume.

Day 71: Trying to Remember Gatsby

09-29-2018 1min read

I continued to work on my Gatsby fashion blog site today. I had to refer to the Gatsby documentation a lot because I couldn't remember how…

Day 70: Tired of Standard Web Hosting

09-28-2018 1min read

I created my fashion blog on Wordpress last year, before I knew much about web development. When I was notified about renewing the hosting…

Day 69: Networking and Running around the City

09-27-2018 1min read

I spent a bit of time coding on freeCodeCamp today but the majority of the day was spent prepping for a networking event that was held in…

Day 68: Difficulty with State

09-26-2018 1min read

I worked through a few more modules of the React section on freeCodeCamp. I'm having some trouble with State still so will need to review…

Day 67: React on freeCodeCamp

09-25-2018 1min read

Since I finished the React course on Udemy, I decided to hop back on to freeCodeCamp and re-start the React section. In order to get the…

Day 66: React Course on Udemy

09-24-2018 1min read

State If we need to track state, we need to start off with a class component and not a stateless functional component. The constructor…

Day 65: React Course on Udemy

09-23-2018 1min read

This & Bind In most cases, the value of "this" is determined by how a function is called. It can't be set by assignment during execution. It…

Day 64: React Course on Udemy

09-22-2018 1min read

React Events Event handlers are functions that run whenever an event occurs. Event handling with React elements is similar to handling…

Day 63: React Course on Udemy

09-21-2018 1min read

Props with Class Components

Day 62: React Course on Udemy

09-20-2018 1min read

React AJAX Requests AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. It is the use of the XML HTTP Request object to communicate with…

Day 61: React Course on Udemy

09-19-2018 1min read

There was an interesting tidbit I learned today regarding JavaScript object syntax. You can access values of objects with both dot and…

Day 60: React Course on Udemy

09-18-2018 1min read

Props Props is short for properties. They are how components "talk" to each other. They allow data to be passed from parent to child top…

Day 59: React Course on Udemy

09-17-2018 1min read

First Project The first project was to create a static stateless functional component with a profile photo, name, and 3 icons within a…

Day 58: React Course on Udemy

09-16-2018 1min read

Creating a Complex Component You can link to an external stylesheet the same way we did with the Stateless Functional Component or you can…

Day 57: React Course on Udemy

09-15-2018 1min read

Styling Class Components You can link to an external stylesheet the same way we did with the Stateless Functional Component or you can do…

Day 56: React Course on Udemy

09-14-2018 1min read

Inline Styling Inline styling is great because you are able to create a fully self contained component. In order to do this: We need to…

Day 55: React Course on Udemy

09-13-2018 1min read

Styling Stateless Functional Components

Day 54: React Course on Udemy

09-12-2018 1min read

Class Components Using ES6 Classes If component needs to use "this" keyword, use ES6 Classes If component needs Lifecycle Methods

Day 53: React Course on Udemy

09-11-2018 1min read

First Stateless Functional Component

Day 52: React Course on Udemy

09-10-2018 1min read

Stateless Functional Components Used if a component doesn't need state These are pure functions executing and returning JSX, without…

Day 51: React Course on Udemy

09-09-2018 1min read

The Power of Babel Without Babel converting our JSX to JavaScript, which the browser understands, we would have to write more lines of code…

Day 50: React Course on Udemy

09-08-2018 1min read

Rendering More Than One Element React will only output one element. When you're trying to render more than one element to the DOM, an…

Day 49: React Course on Udemy

09-07-2018 1min read

Another great thing about this course is you actually go back and refactor old code from previous lessons using new concepts you learn…

Day 48: React Course on Udemy

09-06-2018 1min read

Babel To ensure Babel converts our JSX, we include within the Body. JSX JSX is a syntax extension of JavaScript. It is used with React…

Day 47: React Course on Udemy

09-05-2018 1min read

I noticed that Udemy was having a sale on their courses, so I decide to switch gears a little bit and try out one of their React courses. I…

Day 46: React on freeCodeCamp Continued

09-04-2018 1min read

Spent the day working through the React section of freeCodeCamp. I'm a little over half way point. I'm trying to take it slow and not rush…

Day 45: React on freeCodeCamp

09-03-2018 1min read

Since it was the last long weekend of the summer and I didn't want to work all day, I decided to take a small break from Udemy and try the…

Day 44: Nested Components

09-02-2018 1min read

More of the React course today. We went over nested components. I'm following along with the course at this point but I'm not sure if I…

Day 43: More JavaScript

09-01-2018 1min read

I didn't do a whole lot today except read more of Eloquent JavaScript.

Day 42: React: Props and State

08-31-2018 1min read

I've been watching the React course on Udemy and following along. We covered props and state so far. I definitely feel like I'm…

Day 41: Back to React

08-30-2018 1min read

I'm jumping back on the React train! When it comes to React, I've tried a few intro courses in person and online and kept getting lost and…

Day 40: Redoing Bakery Website

08-29-2018 1min read

So I decided to re-design the bakery website. I have some layout ideas that I think will work out nicely with CSS grid. I also applied for a…

Day 39: Updated Resume

08-28-2018 1min read

I finally finished updating my resume. I included the various projects I've done and the technologies used to complete them. I'm currently…

Day 38: Resume Update

08-27-2018 1min read

I had to do some work on my resume today. I also revisited the memory card game that I started awhile back. Now that I feel more comfortable…

Day 37: Eloquent JavaScript Continued

08-26-2018 1min read

I didn't do too much today, mostly because I was super tired from last night's festivities. I did read a bit of Eloquent JavaScript though.

Day 36: Version Control is a Lifesaver

08-25-2018 1min read

I didn't get a whole lot done today because I had a family wedding, but I did continue to refactor my code and accidentally broke the…

Day 35: Eloquent JavaScript

08-24-2018 1min read

I've been reading more of Eloquent JavaScript and refactoring my code for the Wedding Website.

Day 34: JavaScript Review

08-23-2018 1min read

I didn't do a whole lot today except continue to read Eloquent JavaScript. I think I'll go back and work on the memory card project tomorrow…

Day 33: Finished the Wedding Site

08-22-2018 1min read

Woohoo I'm finally done the wedding website and I love the way it looks and functions. I feel like I learned so much on this project. First…

Day 32: My Media Queries

08-21-2018 1min read

I'm technically writing this on 8/22 but that's because last night I was rushing to get the wedding website responsive. I got an email from…

Day 31: Another Day, Another Rejection

08-20-2018 1min read

I really thought I had it this time, but I got my rejection email from Bridge School this morning. My morning started off strong. I finished…

Day 30: Eloquent JavaScript

08-19-2018 1min read

I'm finally done the Ruby tutorial! I'm going to play around with it some more tomorrow and then start Ruby on Rails this week. I also…

Day 29: I Need to Build Something!

08-18-2018 1min read

Today was another day where I didn't do a whole lot of coding. I tried to get through the last hour of the Ruby tutorial, but I felt like I…

Day 28: I Signed Up for Codewars

08-17-2018 1min read

I finally got around to signing up for Codewars. Did a few of the questions and it seems pretty cool so far. I think it will definitely help…

Day 27: Forms and Migraines

08-16-2018 1min read

I started working on the RSVP form for the wedding website today, but then I got a massive migraine and I had to shut down for awhile. I…

Day 26: CSS @keyframes

08-15-2018 1min read

I did some more styling on the bridal party section of the wedding website. I created 2 separate buttons for the groomsmen and the…

Day 25: My Love for Flex Box and CSS Grid

08-14-2018 1min read

I had to run a few errands today, so I didn't get a whole lot done. I started the Bridal Party section for the wedding website and styled it…

Day 24: That Feeling When You Figure it Out

08-13-2018 1min read

What a great day today was! After a few hours of working in the morning, I was finally able to get the JavaScript to work properly for the…

Day 23: Debugging and Errors

08-12-2018 1min read

My plan today was to work a on styling the FAQ section for the wedding website, and then go back to the Ruby tutorial. I decided to go ahead…

Day 22: Ruby Tutorial Continued

08-11-2018 1min read

I continued with the freeCodeCamp Ruby tutorial on YouTube. I'm defintely seeing some simmilarities with JavaScript in terms of Data Types…

Day 21: Ruby Tutorial

08-10-2018 1min read

So I decied to checkout Ruby on Rails today. I was really hoping to get a lot done and maybe build a small app but I was having the hardest…

Day 20: Vanilla JavaScript Countdown Timer

08-09-2018 1min read

I've been hard at work on the wedding website and I added a countdown timer today using vanilla JavaScript! I followed this great YouTube…

Day 19: Cool Feature of Filter Method

08-08-2018 1min read

I'm feeling a bit better today. Wow this coding journey really does have some ups and downs. I spent the majority of the day working on the…

Day 18: Am I Cut out For This

08-07-2018 1min read

Today is one of those days that I'm experiencing a lot of self-doubt. I'm really struggling with JavaScript. I'm having trouble remembering…

Day 17: JavaScript Review - Objects and Arrays

08-06-2018 1min read

I reviewed JavaScript objects and arrays, as well as ES6 arrow functions all day. I really want to get faster at solving these JavaScript…

Day 16: Late Night Coding

08-05-2018 1min read

Since it was insanely hot in Toronto, I spent all day at the beach! As much as I wanted to take my laptop with me, I didn't want to risk…

Day 15: First Round

08-04-2018 1min read

I worked on the wedding website a bit more and added in some styling. I still have a lot left to do. When I think of it that, way I feel a…

Day 14: The Coding Continues

08-03-2018 1min read

I only coded for about an hour today on my website. I'll be working double time tomorrow to make up for today. I'm trying to figure out how…

Day 13: Wedding Website Fun

08-02-2018 1min read

I know this week was supposed to be JavaScript review but I've been obsessively working all day on this wedding website. Does anyone else…

Day 12: Ruby

08-01-2018 1min read

And just like that it's August 1st. The last month was kind of a mix of being really productive and avidly avoiding writing code. I fell off…

Day 11: Lunch & Learn - JS Frameworks

07-31-2018 1min read

Today wasn't as productive as I wanted to be. I had an appointment in the morning, so I had to drag myself downtown. However, one good thing…

Day 10: In Case You Didn't Know, JavaScript is Cool

07-30-2018 1min read

I'm super excited right now because I added some additional items to my portfolio website, including a really cool "typewriter animation…

Day 9: Bridge Level Up Workshop

07-29-2018 1min read

I had the opportunity to attend a one day JavaScript workshop held by the Bridge School today. We went over basics of ES6, including arrow…

Day 8: Bridge School Application

07-28-2018 1min read

Started off the morning by finally figuring out what was wrong with the blog and why new posts were not appearing when deployed. I had been…

Day 7: Disastrous First Technical Interview

07-27-2018 1min read

I had my first technical interview today via Skype and it was a pretty big fail! It was a simple enough problem and I was told I could use…

Day 6: A Night of Networking

07-26-2018 1min read

Got my first certificate on freeCodeCamp today! I also stepped outside my comfort zone and went to a Networking event. It was a general meet…

Day 5: Fixed Sidebar Woes

07-25-2018 1min read

I decided to switch gears and start the Technical Documentation Page project for freeCodeCamp, and take a break from the Bakery website. It…

Day 4: Wins and Frustrations

07-24-2018 1min read

I finished the Product Landing Page project for freeCodeCamp early this morning, which means only 1 more project before I can get my first…

Day 3: Knowing When to Call it Quits

07-23-2018 1min read

I've been working all day on my Product Landing Page for freeCodeCamp. It's also doubling as a possible website for a friend, so I really…

Day 2: Eye on the Prize

07-22-2018 1min read

My plan for the upcoming week is to finally finish off the Responsive Web Design section of freeCodeCamp and obtain the certification. I…

Day 1: Restarting the Challenge

07-21-2018 1min read

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog and thanks for stopping by! If you haven't heard of the #100DaysofCode challenge, you're not alone. I myself…

Hi, I'm Himashi Waving Hand

I'm a front-end web developer based in Toronto. Follow me as I try to improve my programming skills by completing the #100DaysofCode challenge!